
Neptune Pro-line Manual Screen

  • Precise self lock system for quick lock and release at any desire position
  • Unique D shape white powder coated galvanized steel housing 
  • Plastic end caps with D rings and key holds for wall and ceiling installation
  • Durable galvanized steel housing
Product Code Screen Size Viewing Area(mm) Border(mm) Product Dimension Packing Dimension LxWxH(mm) N.W(kg) G.W. (kg)
(HxW, inches) Height Width Upper / Lower / Side LxWxH(mm)
1:1 Square Format
NMW050050 70"(50"x50") 1270 1270 45/30/30 1399x82x93 1494x140x130 5.0 5.8
NMW060060 84"(60"x60") 1524 1524 65/30/30 1653x82x93 1748x140x130 6.0 6.9
NMW070070 100"(70"x70") 1778 1778 45/30/30 1907x82x93 2002x140x130 7.0 8.0
NMW080080 113"(80"x80") 2032 2032 65/40/40 2181x82x93 2276x140x130 8.2 9.3
NMW096096 136"(96"x96") 2358 2358 65/40/40 2507x82x93 2602x140x130 9.6 10.9
NMW108108 153"(108"x108") 2743 2743 80/40/40 2892x89x110 2987x175x155 11.5 13.0
4:3 Video Format
NMW050067 84"(50"x67") 1280 1707 45/30/30 1836x82x93 1931x140x130 6.3 7.3
NMW060080 100"(60"x80") 1524 2032 65/40/40 2181x82x93 2276x140x130 7.6 8.7
NMW072096 120"(72"x96") 1769 2358 65/40/40 2507x82x93 2602x140x130 8.9 10.2
NMW081108 135"(81"x108") 2057 2743 100/40/40 2892x89x110 3009x175x155 12.5 14.3
NMW090120 150"(90"x120") 2286 3048 100/60/60 3262x89x110 3379x175x155 14.3 16.4
16:9 HDTV Format
NMW040070 81"(40"x70") 1000 1778 450/40/40 1927x82x93 2022x140x130 6.7 7.7
NMW045080 92"(45"x80") 1143 2032 450/40/40 2181x82x93 2276x140x130 7.6 8.8
NMW049087 100"(49"x87") 1243 2210 450/40/40 2359x82x93 2454x140x130 8.3 9.5
NMW054096 110"(54"x96") 1326 2358 400/40/40 2507x82x93 2602x140x130 8.8 10.1
NMW059105 120"(59"x105") 1500 2667 450/40/40 2816x82x93 2911x140x130 10.0 11.5
NMW064113 130"(64"x113") 1614 2870 450/40/40 3019x82x93 3114x140x130 10.9 12.4
NMW068120 138"(68"x120") 1715 3048 450/60/60 3248x89x110 3343x178x158 13.9 15.9
16:10 Wide Format
NMW042067 80"(42"x67") 1064 1702 450/30/30 1831x82x93 1926x140x130 6.5 7.5
NMW050080 94"(50"x80") 1270 2032 450/40/40 2181x82x93 2276x140x130 7.8 8.9
NMW053085 100"(53"x85") 1346 2159 450/40/40 2308x82x93 2403x140x130 8.3 9.5
NMW058093 110"(58"x93") 1474 2358 450/40/40 2507x82x93 2602x140x130 9.1 10.3
NMW064102 120"(64"x102") 1619 2591 450/40/40 2740x82x93 2835x140x130 10.0 11.4
NMW069110 130"(69"x110") 1753 2794 450/40/40 2943x82x93 3038x140x130 10.9 12.4
NMW074119 140"(74"x119") 1889 3023 450/60/60 3234x89x110 3329x175x155 14.2 16.2
NMW069110 130"(69"x110") 1753 2794 450/40/40 2943x82x93 3038x140x130 10.9 12.4
NMW074119 140"(74"x119") 1889 3023 450/60/60 3234x89x110 3329x175x155 14.2 16.2
NMW079127 150"(79"x127") 2016 3226 450/60/60 3437x89x110 3532x175x155 15.2 17.4